Director of Membership

American Heraldry Society SUBJECT Director of Membership
Governors' Policy Manual VERSION Initial EFFECTIVE 16-Aug-07

3.5 Director of Membership

3.5.1 Ex-Officio Service The Society Treasurer serves ex-officio as Director of Membership.
3.5.2 Duties. The Director is the primary officer responsible for matters relating to the retention and expansion of the Society’s membership base. Specifically, the Director shall: Establish membership recruitment programs to target heraldists and heraldic professionals. Recommend to the Board in consultation with the Membership Committee new member services, revision of existing services, and other initiatives aimed at increased membership. Identify reasons why past members have not renewed their membership. Coordinate activities of the Membership Committee. Review and evaluate member relations and services and recommend opportunities to enhance the value of membership. Render an annual financial report and budget to the Board through the Finance Committee.