Publications Committee

American Heraldry Society SUBJECT Publications Committee
Governors' Policy Manual VERSION Initial EFFECTIVE 20-Sep-07

3.11 Publications Committee

3.11.1 Purpose. The Publications Committee (“committee”) provides advice to the Director of Publications and the Board on the Society’s electronic and print publications program by assisting in the selection of editors; commenting on the future of Society publications, including the missions of particular publications; providing ideas for content; and assessing member and subscriber satisfaction with Society publications.
3.11.2 Membership. The committee consists of the Secretary, one other Governor and one Society member who is not a member of the Board. The committee is appointed by the Board. If not appointed as a member of the committee under the previous subsection, the Director of Education serves as a non-voting member. The Secretary serves as committee chair.
3.11.3 Duties. The committee shall: Assist the Secretary in managing the Society’s print and electronic publications program. Act as an editorial board by assisting the Secretary in editing and proofreading Society publications. Ensure that Society publications meet the highest professional standards. Develop and promulgate policy regarding advertising for the journal, newsletter and website. Review proposals for new publications and make appropriate recommendations to the Board. Explore external funding from donors and appropriate grant agencies to support publication programs.